We’re very excited to be hard at work with Rhino on a number of very cool releases and programs that you’ll be hearing about soon. In the meantime, we ask that you all realize that 's and GDP's commitment to the Dead Head community is unchanged. Where we’re at today requires us to step back, gather some information, do some thinking and get back to you. The situation that developed over the past months is very different than my original plan. Downloading was never announced, described or promoted in any manner. From the very beginning, this program has always been intended to be a "for streaming only" service. Recently, I and others that work on became aware that certain fans had been regularly downloading the tracks offered in the Taper Section.
But the synthy jam brought upon a series of events that was one of the weekend’s highlights- a mashup of Weekapaug Groove and Tweezer that landed in the opening chords of Ghost.I undertook the Taper's Section last November with a pretty simple vision: to have fun providing folks a regular opportunity to hear vault material that kept their interest in Grateful Dead music fresh. The Carini jam, once again, immediately went to a major chord progression unrecognizable from the dissonant Carini. Trey and his loop pedal brought the jam to a crescendo that could have happily been the cap on a stellar weekend, but Trey’s Carini chord progression kept the energy going.

Much like the Chalk Dust Torture in Set 1, the Tweezer jam veered directly off the typical song’s course from the beginning as Trey picked out arpeggios and the band fell into a softer-than-usual sequence. Trey built a pleasing jam around Fuego’s refrain melody that was cut short as Trey pushed on into Tweezer. The melodious jamming seemed to tease at the missing I am Hydrogen a couple times before Weekapaug cuts out in favor of the typical stretched out 2nd set Fuego. What followed next was a Mike’s Song > Weekapaug Groove that was 20+ years in the making- the transition between the two was a bit of Face Plant Into Rock, but they made up for it quickly in Weekapaug’s clavinet-heavy jam progressions. This version was no exception as Trey literally hit the deck while bouncing around on stage gleefully in the opening minutes of the song, before engaging his trademark delay/distortion combination to kick off the first fierce jam of Set 2. First Tube – whether played by TAB or Phish – has always been a favorite of mine, due as much to the pure joy Trey clearly gets from playing the song as to the climactic passages and jams the song always brings. The final set of the Riviera Maya weekend opened with First Tube. Trey wasted no time pulling the band out of the song’s typical structure in the Chalk Dust jam, but quickly built the loose jam into a frenetic climax to end set 1. A fairly standard but well-executed take on Divided Sky and a dark and heavy Steam preceded the set-closing Chalk Dust Torture.

This was a fitting song selection considering the command Page had over the first set, and he did not disappoint in Events - leaning on the clavinet for a majority of the tune, egging on Trey with furious funk riffs while Trey obliged and helped carry the song to multiple peaks. The tight raucous take on Destiny Unbound saw the first fiery improv licks from Trey, but he mostly relented to Page to continue his super piano and keyboard playing that led into Most Events Aren’t Planned. The sing-a-long seemed to loosen up the band as they dove immediately out the melody for a quick spacey jam that faded out to Destiny Unbound. PYIE started with Trey laughing at the struggled mouthful of lyrics but ended with solid piano work from Page that immediately fired back up in Blaze On. The compositional song from Rift ventured near the 15-minute mark before a brief pause set up Punch You In the Eye.

After opening the first two nights of Riviera Maya with the long-awaited bust of Spock’s Brain on Thursday and following that up with the rare YEM opener on Night 2, Phish kept with the theme to open the final night by slotting The Curtain (With) in the leadoff spot.